Soulmate School Blog

Create Divine Partnership

If you’re on this page you’re ready to create divine partnership. To have a relationship that lights you up from the inside out. And that’s exactly how to go about creating this kind of relationship… from the inside out. Salona Carlisle interviewed me for her You in Full Bloom Summit on the topic of Creating […]

Maya’s Self Love Story

Over the years I’ve shared inspiring love stories of how couples fell in love. Recently I’ve been feeling called to share stories about women falling in love with themselves. This self love story is from my client Maya. She’s an attorney from the East Coast of the U.S.  Below are excerpts from a recent conversation […]

How to love your body

If you’re like most women you could use some tips on how to love your body more. In fact one study showed that 80% of all American women are dissatisfied with their appearance. 80% of women don’t like their body! And yet when I talk to men about women one of the things they share […]

A simple tool to be more magnetic to a man

After the last You & Me on Love on “What to do when he pulls away?”, I decided to share a little more on this topic. In addition to spending more time with you and letting go of the ‘neediness’ that sometimes comes up when he pulls away, it’s important to energetically separate as well. […]

A Single Mom’s Love Story

A few months ago I was in my favorite hang out in Ojai, the Farmer and the Cook, and a radiant young woman came up and introduced herself to me. She said she had taken Soulmate School and that she was now in the most amazing relationship. She’d been worried that because she was a […]

Find love: Michelle & J.’s Love Story

I’ve got another love story to share with you today. Michelle is a young professional who lives in Seattle and she sent me this email a few weeks ago about how she found love: “I just wanted to write and thank you for sharing Soulmate School. I took your course at the end of last […]

When he needs space…

What to do when he needs space… Today’s You and Me on Love Question comes from Omaha, Nebraska. It’s key when building a relationship. “What do I do when he pulls away?” First off, let’s start with what NOT to do. It’s really important not to get clingy or needy. This will push him further […]

From Masculine to Feminine

Ever feel like you are in masculine ‘get it done’ energy all of the time? Like the to do list in your head never ends? Our culture is so caught up in keeping our minds busy. Always having something to do and think about. And yet if you want to connect with your feminine wisdom […]

Robin and Phil got engaged!

Just heard from Robin that they got engaged! She’s moved to Georgia to be with Phil and they are getting married in July. It’s a great story about finding love. What I love about Robin’s story is that she took time off from dating the wrong guys so she could really get to know herself […]

Robin and Phil’s Love Story

Robin and Phil are both artists and met at Robin’s glass studio in San Francisco when Phil came through town to lead a workshop there. She shares about their creative and spiritual (and sexual!) connection. Enjoy the love story… I’ve always been a person who appreciates solitude, but I also had a really strong attachment […]