The Energetic Matchmaker

This is an invitation to a woman.

A woman whose body aches for love. A woman who’s had some heartbreak, has been hurt, has maybe even done some hurting. A woman who knows she creates her reality, but still isn’t feeling the love she wants in her life.

A woman who’s ready.

This is an invitation to you, to Love.

Not the Hallmark kind of love. Not the love that has been over-sweetened and trivialized.

A real love.

A love that moves through you and ignites you. A love that celebrates, expands and activates you. A love that knows who you are from the inside out.

This is your invitation.

Dare yourself to live your life in that kind of love. Devote yourself to it.

“Your task is not to seek for love but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it”  -Rumi

Finding these barriers, or blindspots, isn’t easy, I know.

88% of our beliefs are subconscious. By definition, they’re virtually impossible to access on our own.

You need a guide. And here’s where I can help, in the way I’ve helped hundreds of women:

I can intuitively see your blocks to love. And I can clear them with you. I know how to help you get the subconscious gunk out, so you can finally -finally- experience the love you crave so deeply.

If you know it’s time,

If you’re feeling a yes in your body,

If you’re ready for this kind of love, you’re no longer alone.

I know how to take you there.

I’ve created a program from my heart…

In this program, I share with you everything I’ve learned and taught over the past 10 years. All the tools I’ve used to help hundreds of women fall in love. It’s affordable and accessible, no matter where you live in the world.

Soulmate School moves you out of the heart heaviness you’re feeling right now, and into a life full of love.

If you feel a yes, let’s work together.

Click the Soulmate School button below to go straight to that program or click Offerings to see additional courses and free goodies.

From the Blog

Here’s a free offering. Watch the full podcast here for powerful content on soulmates, self worth and becoming magnetic to love! Related posts: Moving hard emotions Impact of Early Beliefs on Your Love Life Feeling not enough

Do you ever feel like you’re not enough? You’re not alone. If you’ve been with me a little while you know my road to being happily married (for 20 years this month!) did not start out easily. My relationship history is messy. Over and over, I gave up my sense of self to morph into […]

I was on a call recently with a new private coaching client. She shared that she couldn’t even imagine being in a great relationship with a man. She’d never had a healthy partnership, and over the years she had begun to believe that it just wasn’t possible for her. She felt stuck in love. Her […]