Free Interviews

Love and Purpose

In case you missed my interview with Julia Mikk for her masterclass: Your Deepest Fulfillment… In this interview I share: * How to create aligned relationships that support you living your bigger purpose. * How to keep your significant relationships healthy and fulfilling. * What should be you and your partner’s #1 goal and intention […]

Secret Link to Love Free Class

Here’s the video and audio replay from the Secret Link to Love Webinar. Your internal beliefs create your external reality. In this free class, I shared how subconscious beliefs are created and how to clear them at the energetic level. Enjoy!   Audio Only: And here’s a simple pic of the EFT points for your reference. […]

Listen to your heart

Do you know how to listen to your heart? How to hear her guidance and wisdom? I was interviewed by Sherri Nickols for her Playful Passionate YOU summit recently, and in our conversation, I shared practical and energetic tips to help you listen to your heart. Your heart has so much guidance to share with […]

Create Divine Partnership

If you’re on this page you’re ready to create divine partnership. To have a relationship that lights you up from the inside out. And that’s exactly how to go about creating this kind of relationship… from the inside out. Salona Carlisle interviewed me for her You in Full Bloom Summit on the topic of Creating […]

The story I’ve never told…

We all have the “public story” and then we have the REAL story, right? The part that feels comfortable to share with strangers and the story that you tell only to your closest girlfriends. Like the public story that says, “Yes, I’m divorced” and the private story that says “He cheated on me with my […]