The Energetic Matchmaker, Liesel Rigsby
Learn 5 essential tools to making space for love.

Divine Masculine

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Last night I sat in a room filled with men who are cultivating the Divine Masculine.

Men who are anchored in their hearts – men who are anchored in their MASCULINITY

It was a beautiful thing to witness, to be a part of, to soften into.

It was the welcoming home ceremony for MEN and I do mean MEN! who just completed The New Warrior Training through The Mankind Project .

I cried through the whole evening. So grateful to be Feminine in the presence of the Masculine. So grateful to be opened by these hearts…

I witnessed these men standing in their power, sharing their hearts, speaking of TRUST, speaking of LOVE. Showing UP in such a PRESENT and PROFOUND way. Men of all ages, all walks of life, all religions – – – all joined together in Brotherhood.

When my husband Craig came home from this event 2 years ago, I welcomed home a new man. A man in his power with a beautiful heart. A man I could open even deeper to.

I am in awe and in deep gratitude for this organization and how they are redefining the MASCULINE!