Author Archives: Liesel

A #MeToo Apology

Written by liesel on February 7, 2018

Ok I have a crazy story to tell you! Remember how I shared one of my #metoo stories a couple of months back. You can read it here. The gist of it was that when I was in my mid 20’s a guy, that I knew through friends, grabbed my boobs at a bar. He […]

Healing Your #MeToo

Written by Caitlin on February 1, 2018

This morning I was brought to tears reading a friend’s #metoo story on Facebook. It triggered all of my own memories and made me realize, that with at least one of them, I have some more healing to do. I’ll share one of the “milder” events that happened in my life, and a strategy I used […]

Liesel Rigsby #MeToo