Sign up for the Open House Now

*We respect your privacy and never share your name and email with anyone else

Tuesday June 3 at 5:30pm PST

*If you can’t make the class live be sure to enroll and we’ll send you the replay.

In this free Open House you’ll learn:

  • The most common mistake women make that pushes quality men away
  • What your energetic blocks to love are and how to clear them
  • How to increase your vibrational frequency – because you have to be an energetic match to what you are looking for
  • Practical and intuitive strategies to let love in

  • Working with Liesel is a deep and powerful experience, as she is able to go right to the core of an issue. I’ve worked with many amazing healers, and I’m blown away with how Liesel adeptly facilitates the transformational journey. The sessions are beautiful and the results are profound.

    Marci Shimoff #1 NY Times Bestselling Author, Happy for No
    Reason, Love For No Reason, & Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul

  • I knew something was blocking me but I didn’t understand what it was or how to get to it…. the clearing of old patterns, and the awareness of that guarding around my heart made a huge difference! I met Tak right after our last call! It feels like we’ve been together for a really, really long time. It’s just so easy.

    Rachel Burs, Life Coach


Tuesday June 3 at 5:30pm PST

*If you can’t make the class live be sure to enroll and we’ll send you the replay.

Sign up for the Open House Now

*We respect your privacy and never share your name and email with anyone else


Liesel Rigsby is known as The Energetic Matchmaker for her ability to intuitively ‘see’ what women need to shift in order to build a life of deeply fulfilling and lasting love. She is the creator of the internationally renowned Soulmate School, a six week course designed to help women fall in love with themselves and clear their energetic blocks to divine partnership. She has helped women all over the world create loving, aligned relationships.

Liesel is a gifted spiritual teacher and has a master’s degree in education from the Universtiy of California. She supports women in finding love through her online courses, public speaking, live events, and private coaching. Her passion is to help women trust their heart as their guiding force, because, as she says, “when you touch the depth of love that lives within you – anything is possible”.