Learn how to let go of your past and make room for True Love in your life!
A FREE tele-class with Liesel Rigsby and Anne Van de Water
Wednesday October 2 at 5:30pm PST
Are you ready for true love in your life? Ready for that partner who will make your heart and body sing?
Yes? Yet… if you still have feelings for an ex (or even a secret crush or fantasy love) you could be blocking the right partner. And by holding on, you could even be blocking the one that got away from ever coming back.
So if you are ready to learn practical and energetic tools to make space for True Love in your life, join internationally renowned Intuitive Relationship Coach Liesel Rigsby and Master Level Vibrational Coach Anne Van de Water for this FREE class.
And learn how to energetically let love in
Join Liesel Rigsby and Anne Van de Water for a FREE tele class teaching you exactly how to
Wednesday October 2 at 5:30pm PST
Sign Up Now for the Free TELECLASS!
In this free call you’ll learn
- the most common mistake that women make to push quality men away
- how your ex (or even a crush) may be blocking your soulmate from coming in
- every day actions that mistakenly put out the message that you are unavailable
- the one essential key to magnetizing your true partner
- the 3 powerful steps you need to take right now to make space for Mr. Right
Making space for love is one of the most important things you can do to attract your Soulmate
Liesel was able to see that I was holding energy from a prior relationship. She helped me clear it out and 2 weeks later I started seeing my beloved! We’ve been together for 2.5 years now and it just gets better and better!
Suzanne Richardson, life coach
Join Liesel Rigsby and Anne Van de Water for a FREE tele class teaching you exactly how to
Wednesday October 2 at 5:30pm PST
Sign Up Now for the Free TELECLASS!

Liesel Rigsby, The Energetic Matchmaker has helped women around the world find their perfect partner by using the exact system she used to manifest her own soulmate, her awesome husband Craig.
Liesel can intuitively see what’s blocking you from calling Love into your life. In courses and private sessions, she tunes in to women’s hidden subconscious and energetic blocks. She then helps them clear these blocks so they can attract lovers who make their heart and body sing. It is her life’s work to help women around the world call in and deeply connect with their true partner.
She lives half time in Bali with her husband and daughter because… there’s no better place for lovers than ‘the heart of the planet’. To learn more, visit www.energeticmatchmaker.com.
Anne Van de Water is a Master-level Vibrational Coach who helps heart-centered leaders, visionaries, teachers and healers raise their energetic vibration to match the energy of their vision and their mission so they can fully embody and become it. She has 21 years of experience as a yoga teacher, healer, and life coach and is the creator of Vibration Transformation, a lifestyle program rooted in radical self-love and self-care.
Visit her at www.annevandewater.com.