Embodying You
Trusting Your Feminine Essence
How to shine your inner radiance and attract a quality man
A FREE tele-class with Liesel Rigsby
- It’s not about what you look like.
- It’s how you feel about what you look like.
- It’s not about the size of your body.
- It’s about whether you can shine confidently in it.
- It’s not about looking radiant as much as it is about BEING radiant.
Most of what we’ve been sold by the media tells us that feminine radiance and beauty are external qualities. That we need to use this cream, wear these clothes, lose this much weight, get tight abs, even have surgery in order to make ourselves attractive to men.

But what quality men really find irresistible is a women who is at ease in her own skin, knows her worth and shines her radiance.
Friday October 4 at 6pm PST
Register forFree class here!

In this free call you’ll learn
- how to access and appreciate your own unique beauty
- a powerful tool to create energetic magnetism so your man will feel drawn to you
- how to increase your vibrational frequency – because you have to be an energetic match to what you are looking for
- you’ll also receive Liesel’s powerful 30 Seconds to Radiance Meditation that you can use any time you want to feel more beautiful.
Because there is nothing more attractive to a quality man than a woman in her radiance

Join Liesel Rigsby for a FREE tele class teaching you exactly how to
Activate Your Love Vibration
Friday October 4 at 6pm PST
Register forFree class here!


Liesel Rigsby, The Energetic Matchmaker has helped women around the world find their perfect partner by using the exact system she used to manifest her own soulmate, her awesome husband Craig.
Liesel can intuitively see what’s blocking you from calling Love into your life. In courses and private sessions, she tunes in to women’s hidden subconscious and energetic blocks. She then helps them clear these blocks so they can attract lovers who make their heart and body sing. It is her life’s work to help women around the world call in and deeply connect with their true partner.
She lives half time in Bali with her husband and daughter because… there’s no better place for lovers than ‘the heart of the planet’. To learn more, visit www.lieselrigsby.com.
Lisa specializes – Lisa specializes in working with dynamic, intuitive, purpose-driven entrepreneurs who are already doing what they love, but are ready to up-level their businesses, their lives and themselves. She helps them cut away what’s no longer aligned, and dial in to what’s essential so they can create the income, impact, freedom and Soul-expression they deeply desire. She calls that their Sweet Spot.Lisa started her career as an M.B.A. in the corporate world as a Project Manager and Brand Manager for Fortune 100 multinational corporations. She also spent 9 years as part of the core team hosting the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting for world leaders in Davos, Switzerland. Her burning passion for personal and spiritual growth led to her becoming an entrepreneur and coach in 1999.
Lisa is a master-level NLP practitioner and Reiki master who has served on the teams of some of the leading Conscious Business trainers and coaches in North America. She adores international travel, hot yoga, hip hop dance and helping change-agents thrive on all levels by stepping fully into their unique Sweet Spots.