Embodying You… Trusting Your Feminine Essence
In this month long women’s circle you’ll learn how to

  • Deepen your relationship with your feminine wisdom and intuition
  • Release the ‘masculine’ energy that may be pushing love away
  • Soften your heart so you can cultivate more connection
  • Shine your inner radiance and increase your magnetism
  • Use your feminine essence to ignite a spark in your love life


This women’s circle will be a small intimate group to ensure you a level of trust with one another and 1 on 1 support from me during the calls. You can join the calls from anywhere in the world using a telephone or Skype.

We’ll also have a private online group to connect with each other, receive more support and ask me questions between calls.

The format will include:

  • Physical and energetic exercises to deepen your connection to your feminine essence
  • Meditations and visualizations to open you to more love
  • And 1 on 1 Love Seats – coaching/healing with me live on the call while the group holds space. This is a very powerful way to access and heal your subconscious blocks to love


There are a limited number of spaces in this circle. Please enroll today to ensure yourself a space.

Wednesday nights November 20, December 4, December 11

5:30 – 6:45 pm PST


Liesel Rigsby has helped women around the world find their perfect partner by using the exact system she used to manifest her own soulmate, her amazing husband Craig.Liesel can intuitively see what’s blocking you from having deep Love in your life. In courses, workshops and private sessions, she tunes in to women’s hidden subconscious and energetic blocks. She then helps them clear these blocks so they can create relationships that make their heart and body sing.

It’s her life’s work to help women create a life of love. www.lieselrigsby.com.