When you truly love yourself, then it’s easy for
LOVE to find you.
I don’t know about you, but I think Valentine’s Day is totally overrated. When you’re single it makes you feel lonely and sad. And when you’re in relationship, there’s all these huge expectations that more often than not lead to disappointment. I’m just not a big fan (I know it’s an odd thing for a love coach to say…)
So this Valentine’s Day join me in RECLAIMING this holiday for YOU. Use this day for love to learn powerful energetic tools to help you fall more madly in love with yourself.
Because really that’s where all the LOVE magic happens – inside of you.
Love is magnetic to Love
And when you create more internal love in your life, you open up and clear the blocks that have been keeping love away from you.
I hear women say all of the time that they know they need to love themselves more, but they don’t know how to do it.
I can help you. Let me show you how.
(And even if you feel like you already love yourself there’s always room for more…)
Join me for this Free Live tele-class teaching you exactly how to
Fall Deeper in Love with You
Friday February 14 at 12 noon PST
Sign Up Now for this Free Call!

In this free call you’ll learn
- how your love for yourself can improve your relationships with men
- energetic tools to help you shake up and clear out old blocks to love
- how to use these tools fall madly in love with you
- and super simple, practical strategies to increase your self love on a daily basis
Come spend Valentine’s with the most amazing love of your life – YOU!
Before I met Liesel, I found myself in relationships with men who weren’t willing to commit. After having a profound healing session with Liesel, I met my husband the very next day! We just celebrated our beautiful daughter’s first birthday and we couldn’t be happier!
Reyna Angel, aestheticlan
http://www.skindeepsalon.com -
Working with Liesel is a deep and powerful experience, as she is able to go right to the core of an issue. I’ve worked with many amazing healers, and I’m blown away with how Liesel adeptly facilitates the transformational journey. The sessions are beautiful and the results are profound.
Marci Shimoff #1 NY Times Bestselling Author, Happy for No
Reason, Love For No Reason, & Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul
Join me for this Free Live tele-class teaching you exactly how to
Fall Deeper in Love with You
Friday February 14 at 12 noon PST
Sign Up Now for this Free Call!


Liesel Rigsby, is an Intuitive Relationship Coach who has helped women around the world create amazing love lives. Liesel can intuitively see what’s blocking you from calling Love into your life. In courses, workshops and private sessions, she tunes in to women’s hidden subconscious and energetic blocks, and helps women clear these blocks to create a love life that makes their heart and body sing. It is her life’s work to help women around the world fall into love! She lives in California with her husband and daughter. To learn more, visit www.lieselrigsby.com.